Vienna International School Newsletter - 3 June 

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Dear VIS Community,

Today is a very special day for VIS - our Grade 12 Graduation takes place at the theatre, for the first time in three years as a big family and community event. We are all looking forward to this festive celebration, and equally to the Graduation Ball, to be held at the Vienna Rathaus tomorrow night. Thanks go already to the very active Ball Committee of parents who spent many hours organising this unique experience with over 550 guests. Congratulations go to our graduates who are ready for their next step in life - we are proud of you, and we will miss you.

Thanks also go to our PTA for their "Staff Appreciation Morning" today which came in form of a huge, delicious cake. We know that we are in a paid profession here - but it still feels good to be seen and  recognised, especially in such a sweet format.

On next Thursday, 9 June, it is the last time to "Meet the Director" , and the first time in years that it can be again in person, from 08:45 in the Cafeteria. I look forward to meeting many of you there and answer your questions on the spot.

Further good news is that Covid numbers continue to go down. VIS will, nevertheless, keep up the testing regime of once a week for all students, and our recommendation to wear masks in areas of close contact - there are holidays on the horizon (11 school days left!) which we don't want to see spoilt for families by a maybe avoidable infection. 

Best wishes for a nice long weekend,

Peter Kotrc

Message from the Board of Governors

Dear VISA members

On 31 May our colleague, Dr. Regine Ahner, finished her three years term as elected member of the VISA Board of Governors. During these years Regine held the offices as Secretary, Vice-Chair and Chair of the Board. She has contributed greatly to improve the governance of our association, and to bring forward proposals and suggestions to promote the interests of our school and the well-being of our students and staff. The  Board wishes to thank Regine for her dedication and passion for the school during her time in the Board.

The Board also wishes to welcome her successor to the Board, Mr. James Erthal-Williamson, who has taken up his function on June 1st.

Finally, the Board also wishes to express its most sincere congratulation to all our Grade 12 students on their graduation day. This is a great achievement and we are all very proud of you!

The Board of Governors

Dear community,

Please find here the following documents for your consideration:

- Call for candidature for Electoral Committee 

- Statement of interest

Thank you for your interest and participation.

The Electoral Committee



Short School Weeks Coming Up

Please note that the School will be closed to students on:

  • Monday, 6 June and Tuesday, 7 June.
  • Thursday, 16 June and Friday, 17 June,

Find HERE the school yearly calendar for your information. Due to the short weeks ahead, the next newsletter will be sent on Friday24 June.  

Dear VIS community, 

Good News from the authorities! 

With the phasing out of compulsory PCR tests for school attendance, there will also be no additional screening tests available for students and staff in schools from the first of June. This means that from June onwards, all school personnel - like the general population - will only have 5 free PCR tests per month. The general free PCR tests can still be deposited daily in the collection boxes in the VIS. 

However, if a positive case occurs in a class, the requirement of mandatory masking and daily testing (only Primary) of the students: in the respective class/group for five days will continue to apply. 

Collection of tests 

In order to ensure official testing and the delivery of "voluntary testing" in the schools in the proven form, the daily collection of samples will continue to take place until the end of the school day (last collection on 30 June 2022).

The pick up time from tests has changed to 08:30. Make sure you are on time! 

For all the COVID information, visit our Covid Centre Intranet Page

1. Cases 

COVID Cases 

Since last Friday we have had 6 additional COVID cases:

  • 1 Staff member
  • 2 Primary School students
  • 3 Secondary School students

have tested positive to COVID -19

2. Mask wearing in the VIS 

Mask wearing is no longer mandatory from the first of june and onwards. Although we highly recommend all students and staff members to wear a FFP2 mask in the VIS. 

When one or more positive cases occur in a class or group, the class or group must wear a mask for 5 days following days. The case has to be confirmed by a PCR test. From the age of 14, this must be an FFP2 mask. This also applies to guests who are visiting the VIS. Mask wearing is still mandatory in the Medical department.

3. Testing in school 

Students will no longer be required to perform a weekly PCR test anymore. We highly recommend students and staff members to perform at least one PCR test a week. 

Lead Horizon offers 5 tests per month for free. When you have COVID-related symptoms or you have been in close contact with a positive case, you are allowed to test more often. 

 Tests are still collected in school every day at 8:30 till the end of this school year. 

The weekly Antigen testing during the first period in school stays in place for students. During regular weeks, Monday will be our only mandatory AG test day for the rest of this school year.

For students who are going on camp, different rules apply, they have to take a test before they go on camp (grade 2 and 3). 

NOTE: Because of the holidays next week, our Antigen tests are done on wednesday instead of Monday. 

If you need help to link to the school system by using your QR code: 

Visual Guide for School Profile setup with QR

4. School Events 

A number of major events are planned towards the end of the year. It is very nice to meet again at such events and to be able to celebrate with each other. At the moment there are no COVID measures for events at school. However, we ask you as staff to set a good example and wear masks, keep your distance and observe hygiene measures.

5. Office hours Covid Desk 

The COVID desk will operate daily from Monday to Friday from 8:00 - 12:00. 

Her phone number is: 0043676897300555 and email: 

The COVID desk is closed on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday next week. 

On Wednesday I am at your service! 

If you have a COVID related question, please check our intranet website first: 

Covid Centre Intranet Page

Thank you again for your support and enjoy the weekend! 

Kind regards, 

The CMC team 


In July and August, VIS is employing Summer Helpers to support the administrative departments with various tasks. Please click here to find out more details and feel welcome to share the opportunity with anyone who might be interested.



End of Year Reports 

Your children will bring home their final Reports on Monday, 20 June. Please take the time to look at the report with your children, celebrate their progress and achievement and perhaps identify one or two goals to keep in mind in preparation for the return to school.

If your child is not present that day, we will keep his/her report in the Primary Office and you may pick it up before the end of the school year/beginning of next school year. If you provide the Primary Office with an address, it is also possible to have reports posted to you before the summer holidays. In that case please send an email to primaryoffice(at) before 24 June.  As always, the report is also available electronically for download on ManageBac.

“The best way to win is to have fun!”

This year, the ELC-Gr2 School Sport Day will take place on the following day:  Wednesday, 8 June 2022

In case of rain, it will be rescheduled on the Friday, 10 June 2022

Fun and participation will be the emphasis this day. We will celebrate all the new skills that students have acquired during the PE lessons throughout the year. All students will be participating and will need the following items for the day: 

♦ Sports shoes, no open toes.  

♦ Shorts and a hat for protection from the sun. 

♦ Team colour T-shirt (your child will be told this at PE lessons and in class). 

♦ Sunscreen (We recommend SPF 30 is applied at home before the event). 

♦ Labeled Water bottle. 

There will be 4 rest and drink stations to ensure your child is kept well hydrated. The schedule for the day is as follows: 

♦ Children will arrive at school at the normal time, in their sports clothes. 

♦ The students will go through 16 different stations from 9:30 to 11:30. 

♦ Then they will follow their normal schedule for the rest of the day.  

All parents are invited to attend and support their children. Time to pull out your phone to capture great moments! However, we would ask you to refrain from entering areas where the children are playing. Please keep a positive sportsmanship attitude when you encourage your child! 

If you have any enquiries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. We look forward to seeing you and your child on Sport Day.

Yours sincerely, 

Aurelien Noyelle and the Primary PE team


“The best way to win is to have fun!”

This year, the Gr3-5 School Sport Day will take place on the following day:  Monday, 13 June 2022

In case of rain, it will be rescheduled on the Wednesday, 15 June 2022

Fun and competition will be the emphasis this day. We will celebrate all the new skills that students have acquired during the PE lessons throughout the year. All students will be participating and will need the following items for the day: 

♦ Sports shoes, no open toes.  

♦ Shorts and a hat for protection from the sun. 

♦ Team colour T-shirt (your child has been told this at PE lessons and in class). 

♦ Sunscreen (We recommend SPF 30 is applied at home before the event). 

♦ Labeled Water bottle. 

The schedule for the day is as follows: 

♦ Children will arrive at school at the normal time, in their sports clothes. 

♦ The students will compete in one of the three activities (Basketball, Football or Track and Field) from 09:00 to 12:30.

♦ Then they will follow their normal schedule for the rest of the day.  

All parents are invited to attend and support their children. Bring your cameras to capture great moments! However, we would ask you to refrain from entering areas where the children are playing. Please keep a positive sportsmanship attitude when you encourage your child!

If you have any enquiries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. 

We look forward to seeing you and your child on Sport Day.

Yours sincerely, 

Aurelien Noyelle and the Primary PE team


On Friday, 10 June at 8:10 the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run will take place. It has grown into the world's largest torch relay, promoting peace and harmonious coexistence between people of all cultures, countries and faiths, is again passing through Austria this year. An international team of 16 runners carries a torch as a symbol of friendship through Austria and passes it from hand to hand.

The Peace Run will visit our school, and children in Grades 2, 4 and 5 are invited to join the runners for a lap around our own track before school on June 10. We also plan the inauguration of a peace tree, to be planted behind the school.

Children simply arrive at school at 08:10 and join us at the front door. We’ll put  our bags down on the green  court, have a short ceremony and run around the track. Children will be then sent in at the regular time.

The Peace Run was first launched in 1987 in front of the UN in New York with ambassadors from many countries. Since then, the Peace Run has inspired millions of people in over 150 countries with the run's simple message, "Peace begins with me!" and by passing a torch across national, cultural, religious and philosophical borders in a spirit of friendship and peace with one another tied together.

Primary Student Council Visits Peace Museum

Student Council representatives in Primary section visited the Peace Museum to learn more about peace and different initiatives and projects related to this value. Nellya, Lia and Andrea, volunteer workers at the museum, prepared some activities and discussion questions for the students, who could share their views and comments about what they can do to reach peace. They also enjoyed a conversation with Jonathan Granoff, President of Global Security Institute, who explained to the students his experience as a peacemaker and encourage them to be Peace Heroes in their daily lives.

We would like to thank all of them for this fantastic meeting.

If you would like to find more information about the Peace Museum in Vienna and all its projects, please visit its official website:


ELC trip

The students from Early Learning Centre went on an excursion to Schloss Orth, connecting to their present Unit of Inquiry “Sharing the Planet”.



Message from the Secondary Principal

Dear Secondary Community,

Today we are celebrating the graduation of the Class of 2022. It is so great to be able to allow guests back on campus for such an important event. The graduation ceremony is on Friday evening and the Graduation Ball is on Saturday evening. We wish the graduating class the very best. 

Thefts on Campus

We have recently had a few thefts on campus of valuables left unattended. We are doing our best to investigate these unfortunate incidents. We would kindly remind students to endure that valuables are locked in lockers while in PE or other situations when they must be left unattended.


Dear Secondary School parents,

This year VIS undertook a review of guidelines related to assessment principles, practices and procedures. As part of this process, we would like to hear parent feedback on assessment (and other related areas) on Friday, 10 June from 08:45 to 10:00. For this in-person event we are looking for a relatively small group of parents from across the Secondary School grade levels. If you are interested in attending please fill in this linked form and we will confirm final numbers and location by Monday, 6 June.

Many thanks in advance.

MYP/ DP coordinators

Grade 12 students

Another reminder to Grade 12 students to choose UCAS ‘firm’ and ‘insurance’ offers by June 9. This keeps options open until 31st August.


Grade 11 students

So far 64 students have started UCAS applications for 2023 entry. We will run a further (optional) UCAS session on Wednesday 8th @13:10 (13:30 if the application has been started already)

  • Jun 4

Bournemouth University Peer-to-peer talks Sat 21, 28 May. June 4

  • Jun 11

Frankfurt School - Bachelor day

Frankfurt School - Information sessions for all Bachelor programmes

  • Aug 17

The ArtPod Presents a (free!) Summer Workshop Series July 30. August 3. August 17


The ‘cluster’ of Approaches to Learning Skills known as ‘Thinking Skills’ is perhaps the most challenging, yet important, to define and teach. It’s only relatively recently that metacognition, or thinking about how we think, has become a recognized approach to improving our learning and lives, and psychological research continues to make new discoveries and develop new techniques to help us to manage our minds. In psychotherapy, ‘Third Wave’ tools and techniques, such as mindfulness, invite us to examine the processes behind our thoughts and feelings; in teaching, building students’ awareness of how they learn can help them to become more effective and fulfilled at school and beyond.

The IB divides its list of ‘Thinking Skills’ into ‘critical thinking’, ‘creative thinking’ and ‘transfer’. The first of these categories is wide-ranging, but includes skills such as ‘evaluating evidence’, ‘developing opposing arguments’ and ‘evaluating and managing risk’ – it’s about responding to the information and challenges encountered at school and in life with conscious awareness, strategically applying different approaches to assess and respond to these effectively. The ‘Creative’ category, similarly, reminds students that creativity is not something one does or does not have, but a skill that can be honed over time: it includes ‘using brainstorming and diagrams to generate ideas’ and problem-solving, for example. ‘Transfer’ refers to ‘using skills and knowledge in multiple contexts’: it recognises that, too often, a student may practise a particular skill in one subject without appreciating its potential outside that particular classroom, and emphasizes the importance of teaching students to ‘apply skills and knowledge in unfamiliar situations’ and ‘across multiple subject groups’.

Thinking skills arguably lie at the heart of the Approaches to Learning curriculum, drawing together all other elements.

As the current MYP ATL Leader, I’m very happy to respond to any suggestions, requests or queries at any point – just get in touch with Claire Pringle at cpringle(at)

Are you creative and want to challenge yourself with a writing task?  Do you have a great idea and want to share it? Would you like to see your work published? Then enter the VIS MYP Writing Competition!  

Choose an idea or an image from the box below to inspire your creative ideas. 


  • Write in prose.
  • A fictional literary work, written by one author. 
  • Entries must be written in English. 
  • The maximum word count is 1000 words 
  • Format: include your full name, story title, word count, and your grade.

Please use font 14 Century Gothic. 

  • Name your file as follows: Grade Level_Full Name_Homeroom 

(e.g. Grade 9_Eva Smith_9A). 

  • Submission Details Submit your work via email to: mcase(at) 
  • Deadline for submission: Friday, 10 June 2022
  • Awards - per grade level: Presentation of prizes will take place in June. 
  • You do not need to have perfect grammar/spelling to win. Do your best! ELA students (for example) can still win a prize. Submitting a story is already a success to be proud of. 
  • Questions? Please contact Ms. Case, or ask your English/ESL teacher in class. 

Good luck to all! 

Marina Case, English Department

Grade 10 Food Design Competition

The Grade 10 students presented their final food design product on the theme “What would you add to a Starbucks menu?”. There were no limits to their creativity and the end products were truly impressive, from delicious desserts, such as waffles, muffins and cakes, and various smoothies and summer drinks.

Grade 11 Meets Award Winning Author 

On Friday, June 3rd, grade 11 Literature students welcomed  award-winning author, Shyam Selvadurai for a virtual talk on his novel "Funny Boy".  This literary work of fiction draws on Selvadurai’s own experience of being gay in Sri Lanka while encountering political turmoil in the 1970s and early 1980's. The book was also made into a movie by the same name and was directed by Oscar-nominated filmmaker Deepa Mehta. 



VIS celebrates Pride Month!

VIS is an inclusive community which is proud of its diversity. This week we started with different activities throughout the day, such as fundraising stands (with candy, tattoos and more!), face painting and several guest speakers, such as Simon Tsai and Shyam Selvadurai. Proceeds will be donated to the Rainbow Railroad organization. Next week is another week full of different activities: on Thursday there will be a LGBTQ+ Timeline in the Secondary Aula Garden and on Friday, Grade 9-11 students will be able to sign up for an Intersectional Consent Education Webinar in the Theatre.

Thank you for your support!

GSA (Gender and Sexuality Alliance)

Support Maher by eating ice cream at the Sports Day on Tuesday, 21 June!

The Austrian Institute for substance abuse prevention runs an online seminar for parents who are interested how to act preventatively in day to day life with their child /ren. According to the description of the event, participants will strengthen their educational capabilities and therefore help to foster healthy development in children. The webinar is free of charge and usually hosted by experts in the field.

Time: Tuesday, 28 June, 19:00-20:00. Please register via this link:

There is only three more weeks left before the last day of school year 2020-21

While our thoughts are filled with joy of Summer, the Lost & Found cabinets are filled with lost items.

The Lost & Found Octagon Display will be back from Monday, 20th until Friday, 24th June.

As always, all unclaimed items which are not clearly labelled with names will be donated to charity organisations during the holiday.

Now that Parents and Guardians can enter school again, please sign up to help managing the display.

Let's work together to help as many lost items as possible to be found!

Eco Team L&F Volunteer Sign Up Form for Parents and Guardians

News from the Libraries

Earlier this year VIS was contacted by Monica Cantarero at the Department for Education in Catalonia enquiring about the possibility of a visit to VIS by a group of teachers who are studying the role of School Libraries in an educational programme. VIS had been suggested to them by Dipl. Päd. Michael Lamm at the Board of Education for Vienna because of the exemplary way that the two school libraries are used across the three International Baccalaureate programmes, in contrast to Austrian schools that typically use the public library system to support learning in schools.

Our three visitors, Laura, Gemma and Montserrat are all teachers in the Girona region of Spain, just north of Barcelona. The ERASMUS+ programme they are studying includes a Job Shadowing component where they can examine how the school library works to support teaching and learning in four distinct areas: 1) Support of learning, 2) Networking skills, 3) Library Spaces and collections and 4) Support of reading habits.

In addition to these four themes, the visitors were made very welcome in the Primary and Secondary schools, and invited into classrooms. In ELC they explored the concept of ‘play is our work’, our visitors helped Grade 8 start a Maths project, observed a Grade 10 Drama class, and presented to a Grade 11 English Literature class where the visitors discussed the work of famous Catalan author Mercè Rodoreda that the students had, coincidentally, just finished studying! The Science department was more than happy to show our state-of-the-art laboratory facilities, and our Literacy and ICT coordinators shared their working practices. The visiting teachers were very impressed with Vienna International School and the wide range of resources available to our students through the two school libraries. The visit was an extremely valuable collaboration for international educators, and offers the possibility for shared educational projects in future, for example to explore our Eco School project.




Performing Arts Summer Concert

We are very happy to see the Performing Arts Concert take place again in our school. Parents are cordially invited and we are proud to see our secondary students performing again on Thursday, 9 June, 18:00. We look forward to seeing you there!



Latin Classes

Dear Parents / Guardians,

Next year's beginner Latin classes 2022/23 will take place Mondays from 15:30 to 17:10.

Latin classes are taught in English, based on the international course programme of the Cambridge Latin Course. The curriculum of the 4-year Latin programme at VIS starts in grade 7. The Diploma at the end of Grade 10 is officially recognized as Austrian Matura Equivalence in the subject Latin.

Latin is also a prerequisite for the study of certain subjects at university, especially in Austria (law, medicine, languages, history etc.). The Latin programme leads up to the Austrian "Kleines Latinum". 

Grades for Latin are given as in other subjects and are included in school reports as an external grade. The costs per semester are approx. € 250 – 350, depending on the number of participants.

If you wish to take Latin classes, please register ASAP directly at or to kerstinstevens(at)  
Please find further information in the attachment. 

Best regards, Kerstin Stevens

Happy Almost Summer!

We had a great finish to the sports season last week with a record number of sports fans at our annual awards banquet. It was standing room only as our student athletes and families enjoyed sports, bbq and of course the awards! Big shout out to our awesome Booster Club for helping make the event a success!

We are busy planning 2022-2023 sports tournaments and we sure hope it’s uninterrupted as we continue to be wary of new variants. Stay healthy everyone!

We are also busy planning exciting changes to the after school activity program and increasing the diversity of what we offer. If you have any specific requests please feel free to send us an email! jbowie(at)

Stay tuned to the intranet for updates. Have a great long weekend!



PTA Montly Meeting

Feel welcome to join our last PTA montly meeting of this school year, on Tuesday, 14 June at 16:30 in the Secondary Aula.

See you soon!

The PTA-Shop will be OPEN Wednesday, June 8 from 15:00 till 16:00

Available for Sports Day Primary School:
Coloured T-shirts @ 5 euro (Limited availability)

Special Offers

Blue/Red/Grey Laptop Sleeves and VIS tie


Questions? Ordering online? Email us: 

Warmest regards,
The PTA-shop team


Before we are all heading to our summer holidays there will be one more Culture Club event.

Mark your calendar: June 13th 

Upper Belvedere - Gustav Klimt 

For more details and the sign up please click here


The VIS cycling group welcomes you to join us on our rides along the Donau. 

  • - Level: beginners to intermediate
  • - Meeting point: the Donau Leuchtturm
  • - Weekend ride is usually 09:00 start on Sunday for approx 40 km, usually to Griefenstein Dam, including a stop on the way back at Donau Fritzi. 
  • - A second group begins at 10:00 for those who prefer a moderate pace, all meet up for coffee
  • - Speeds average 20-25km/hr+ with a “no-drop” ride mentality, or no one left behind

Be sure to join our WhatsApp group for updates. “Friends of VIS” are also welcome. All you need is a bike, a helmet and good vibes.

Hope to see you there!


Nikki Lindgren and Harald Schippl





The summer is quickly approaching and we will have many new families joining VIS who may request assistance with settling into the school & our community.

That's where the New Family Welcome Programme comes in - and we need more amazing families to volunteer to assist us!

That means YOU!! YES, YOU!!

Assisting a new family can require as much or as little effort as you wish, however, the bare minimum requires email communication to be established to answer any questions the new family may have. If you wish to provide further assistance to the new family, perhaps by meeting outside of VIS or helping the new family become acquainted with Vienna, that's up to you and of course encouraged - we all love making new friends! Many of our volunteers have befriended the family they've welcomed and remain friends long after. Some have simply chosen to assist the family in the transition to a new school, just answering questions via email or SMS. However you choose to do it, we need your help welcoming new families to the VIS community ASAP!

If you wish to join us, please contact us here or via email. Have questions? We are happy to answer them! 

Contact us today! 

Serena Bonato & Heather Smith

VIS New Family Welcome Programme Coordinators


Enjoy the beautiful Wachau region and combine it with a trip to the family park Hubhof. The park itself is not the most modern but the views are wonderful.

On the way back home you could take a ferry:




Follow Us

If you haven't done so already, please click on one or more of the icons below, to join our social media channels. Follow our channels to see nice pictures and updates from every day school life, announcements and school initiatives that we are proud of. Thank you for following VIS!  


If you do not wish to receive the newsletters from us, please notify us by emailing unsubscribe(at)