Tuition & Fees

The most important investment

As a non-profit school, all tuition and fees at VIS go back to student learning and making the school a more nurturing and diverse learning community.

In the General Terms and Conditions of Enrolment 2024-2025 you will find all relevant information associated with studying at the Vienna International School.

Here you can find the General Terms and Conditions of Enrolment 2023-2024.

For more information about the invoicing and payment terms, please see below:

Invoices for school fees will be sent for each new school year by 30 June for students who are enrolled by that time.

Tuition Payments are due in full by 30 August (4 weeks from invoice date)

You may request an installment payment plan to the VIS Finance Manager at financeoffice(at) 

  • Per VIS Terms and Conditions, a Direct Debit Authorization or a Standing Payment Order with your bank is a pre-requisite to be eligible for an Installment Plan.
  • An authorized Standing Order or Direct Debit Authorization is due to be submitted to the VIS Finance Manager at financeoffice(at) by August 15 (within 14 days of the Tuition Invoice Date). Please find HERE a copy of the Direct Debit Form.
  • Installment Plan Requests without a Direct Debit Authorization or Standing Order will not be approved.
  • Installment payments are due on the Installment Dates (30 August, 30 October, 30 January, and 30 March for all students except graduating 12th graders with final installment due on 30 January)

If you have any questions or concerns regarding invoices or payments, please reach out to us at: financeoffice(at)

Don't lose time.