Newsletter - 31 January

Click on the following links below and get directly to your prefered section:




As you might have heard, Coronavirus has been recently declared a global health emergency by the World Health Organization (WHO). As an international community with families travelling to many parts of the world with their work we believe that we have a responsibility to be particularly vigilant in securing the welfare of our families. For this reason, we have been in contact with various medical authorities to ensure that any advice given is factual, and that the plans we have for managing any direct impact are measured and appropriate. On Tuesday the Senior Leadership Team will meet to review the on-going development of this situation with specific focus on planned trips, activities, visitors etc. If there are developments the School will make sure to keep the parents and staff informed. 

At this time of year it is not uncommon for people suffer from colds and influenza. How does one recognise a coronavirus? The main symptoms of coronavirus resemble a bad cold or influenza which can make detection difficult. They include fever, cough and shortness of breath. More severe case can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and even death. The incubation period is believed to be around two weeks.

What to do if you think you have the virus

  1. If you show symptoms of respiratory infection and you had close contact to infectious or potentially infections persons, or you have been in any risk areas seek medical advice.
  2. Cover the mouth and nose with a tissue, sleeve of elbow during sneezing or coughing.
  3. Remain at home – this is particularly important for children who are coughing and show a fever. They should stay home for 24 hours after the fever has gone and without the use of fever medication.
  4. Wash hands regularly.

Attendance and Absence Procedure - Reminder 

It is our belief that regular and punctual attendance play an important role in student achievement and well-being. It is the responsibility of parents/ guardians to support students in attending school regularly and punctually and to communicate reasons for absence on ManageBac. We monitor attendance and punctuality in support of students and their families and ask all parents to provide any information related to absence through this system in a timely way. 

Leaving early during the school day: For permission for your Primary School child to leave school early, please submit a request to the class teacher and come to the Primary Office for a dismissal slip. Then, all teachers can be notified in our system that your child is allowed to be dismissed early from classes, and a pass is prepared for your child to exit the VIS campus through Security. Secondary School parents can submit information through ManageBac as far in advance as possible. Then, all teachers can be notified in our system that your child is allowed to be dismissed early from classes and a pass is prepared for your child to exit the VIS campus through Security.




SeeSaw Final Reminder

To help us with a smooth re-implementation of the SeeSaw digital portfolio platform, we remind parents of the following:

Sign and return SeeSaw Parent Consent Form to the class teacher that was distributed this week.  If you require another copy of the form, please click the link above.

RSVP to our SeeSaw for Parents Workshop on Thursday, 13 February from 8:45 - 10:00 in the Secondary Aula.  The session will cover the basics of how SeeSaw works, how to connect to your child's account, and how to provide constructive praise and feedback that supports your child's reflection and goal setting process.

Thank you to the many parents who spent time with us yesterday morning to learn more about our approaches to teaching mental and written calculation. We hope we've provided you with an overview of our mental and written calculation policy and how you can use these strategies at home. To access our documentation on this topic, please follow this link.

Please note that some of the materials that were used in the workshop are available on Amazon. One of the key resources used was called Numicon. Several parents mentioned that they have already purchased these for home and that their children enjoy learning more about number when exploring with them.




Thank you to all those who came to the Primary Library Information morning last Tuesday. Here is the link to the presentations if you were unable to make it. It will lead you to the School Intranet Primary Library page, so you will need to log in beforehand.

If you have any questions or would like to know more about the library, please just come in or send an email to Helen Divett, the Primary School Librarian, via hdivett(at)

As mentioned in last week’s newsletter, we look forward to welcoming you to the Primary School Parent Teacher Student Conferences which take place on:

  • Wednesday, 11 March (13:00 to 17:30)
  • Thursday, 19 March (13:00 to 17:30)

The Parent Evening Booking System will be open for appointment sign ups starting on Wednesday, 11 February at 19:00.  Click here for details on signing in to the booking system and selecting your appointment slots.  

The booking system will close on the evening of Tuesday,10 March at 23:55.  On 12 March, we will reopen the system for parents to make bookings or changes to bookings that take place on the Thursday,19 March


Primary School students will be dismissed at 12:45 and school buses will depart at 13:13. There will no After School Activities and Sports, VISMA, Mother Tongue lessons, Dutch School or Extended Day Programme (After School Care) on these days. Please make arrangements for pick-up and/or alternative care arrangements on these afternoons.

Students in ELC, Grade Primary and Grade 1 do not attend the conferences while students in Grade 2-5 are encouraged to attend.  We kindly ask you to indicate this in the notes section of the booking if this is the case. 

Child care will be available in Gym C for ELC to G1 students and students who attend VIS that are siblings of other VIS students who are attending conferences.  Parents attending the Primary and/or Secondary School conferences can register sibling(s) in Gym C in order to attend conferences with individual children. Parents must pick their child(ren) up from Gym C immediately following the completion of the conferences and make sure to sign them out.  While childcare is available for students listed above, parents must still pick up their child at 12:45 in the mall and octagon and supervise them until their conference time.

**Please note that it is not possible for ELC and Grade Primary parents to sign up for appointments for Art, German, Library and Drama, but can sign-up for PE and Music.  This is a correction from last week’s message. Our goals in Art and Drama at that age are to explore artistic and drama concepts and techniques in playful ways, to engage in interactions with each other as well as to have fun and develop a positive attitude towards learning art and drama.  Likewise, our goals for students in German at that age are to listen to, use the German language in a playful way, engage in social interactions with each other as well as to have fun and develop a positive attitude towards learning German.  
Although we plan our lessons for our youngest students carefully and - in Grade Primary German, group them to meet their individual needs -  progress against individual specific academic expectations is not part of our programme at this level. If you are looking for ways to support your child in German, please look at our suggestions on the German Website.

The conference is a chance for parents, teachers and students to work together in support of the child’s learning.  Your child’s class teacher will be sharing general information about how your child has settled into the year so far, their strengths and areas to focus on for development in the year.  You may also come prepared with some questions and information that your child’s class teacher may find helpful. To help make the most of the conference session, please feel free to check out this handy Guide to Conference Discussions for parents.



Message from the Principal

Dear Secondary Community, 

Welcome back, Grade 7! Our Grade seven students returned on Friday from their ski week in Wagrain. They had a challenging and fun time and I am sure that a good night's sleep is in order. Thanks to Mr. Thomson and the Grade 7 team for all their hard work in supporting our students. 

Mock Exams have come to a close for our Grade 12 students. I am sure that their preparation and planning have paid off. Congratulations on your effort. Parents, when the results are issued, please take a moment to talk to your child.  These results provide an indication of both what students can expect as an IB grade as well as what areas they need to focus on to ensure they are ready for the official exams that begin in May.   

Next week 17 students from the High School in the Republic of San Marino will be visiting VIS. This is part of a cultural exchange between the two schools. The students will stay with VIS host families, attend Grade 10 and 11 lessons and see some of the sights of Vienna. In June, VIS students will make the return trip to San Marino.  

Please mark your calendar:

  • Parent Student Teacher Conference evenings - Wednesday, March 11 and Thursday, March 19. Please note that these both days are half days in secondary and students will be released from classes at lunch time. Signup will be sent closer to the conferences.
  • Please note that February break starts on Friday, 14 February and school resumes on Monday, 24 February.

Have a great weekend.


Dear Parents of Grade 9,

We would like to invite you to the Grade 9 International Education Showcase Evening on Wednesday, 5 February. This occasion provides students, parents, and teachers the opportunity to meet in an informal setting, bring and share food and enjoy some entertainment provided by the students.

We will begin at 18:00 with drinks and buffet in the dining room. Time will be given to view student work from the Art and Design departments in the Mall. The final part of the evening will be held in the theatre where we will be entertained by some performances from our talented Grade 9 students.  

We would kindly ask that all families attending contribute to the international theme of the evening by providing a dish from their home country. We would like a savoury dish or a sweet dish. The dishes can be brought to school on Wednesday morning or preferably immediately before the evening begins. Please label dishes with an information card, listing ingredients, allergens and, if relevant, the country of origin. This ingredient card will be given to your child and can be brought back with the dish on the evening.

We look forward to welcoming you at this event and supporting the students and the Grade 9 Team in this venture. Please note that students attending the Grade 9 International Education Showcase Evening must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.



We are reaching out to the 11% of parents who have not yet indicated their Re-enrolment decision online for their child/ren for 2020-2021.

A reminding email was sent out last Monday, 27 January 2020. Please remember that email addresses that you shared with the school and where the Re-enrolment messages were sent to, might actually not be your work email address but your private email address. Kindly complete the online Re-enrolment form at your earliest convenience and by the deadline given, Friday, 14 February 2020.  You will be able to indicate one of the following answers online: YES, NO and UNDECIDED. In case you are unsure about your child’s re-enrolment next year, please indicate UNDECIDED. In case you have any questions regarding the Re-enrolment process for 2020-2021 please send an email to annualre-enrolment(at)

The Admissions Office has already received a great number of complete applications for next academic year. Many thanks to those of you who applied early. In grades where we know that we have a great number of vacancies available (ELC, GP, G1, G2, G6, G9) the Admissions Coordinator started with first offers already. For all other grades we will start to offer places after the deadline for the annual Re-enrolment, 14 February, or as soon as we know that we have places vacant. If you have a child in your family that you wish to apply for please start the application process as soon as possible as the application date plays an important role in the admissions process. Applications can only be done online. Please follow this link to complete an online application for your child. In case you have any questions please contact the Admissions Team directly on admissions(at)

If, for any reason, you need to withdraw your child from VIS you are asked to send a written notice to the Admissions Office, admissions(at) The following is an excerpt of the annually published VIS tuition fees schedule 2019-2020, page 5:

Early Departures: Parents/Guardians may terminate the schooling contract prematurely before its expiration at the end of the school year by way of a notice in writing to the Admissions Coordinator. The termination takes effect at the end of the second (2nd) calendar month following the month of receipt of the notice by VIS, unless the notice expressly states that the termination take effect on the last day of a later month. Unless notice is given in writing, fees will continue to be charged and the deposit will not be returned.

School Fees are calculated pro rata on the basis of complete calendar months, are payable until the termination takes effect. If the termination takes effect at the end of the month of May, School Fees are payable until the end of the school year. Unless notice is given in writing, fees will continue to be charged and the deposit will not be reimbursed. For example: If you must withdraw your child/ren from VIS at the end of March 2020, you will have to notify the Admissions Team in writing by the end of January 2020.

In the case of early departures, all and any of the school’s outstanding claims against the parent/guardian are due and payable not later than on the school working day preceding the last day of the student’s attendance. Parents/Guardians are entitled to a refund (without interest) of a credit balance of school fees paid in advance, if any, remaining after settlement of any and all outstanding claims. Parents/Guardians are responsible for the payment of all fees.



Digital Intelligence @ VIS

VIS has adopted the DQ Framework, which we use to support our students’ learning about digital skills and competencies. In the Octagon this week, students had the opportunity to spin a (digital) wheel to choose one of the eight areas of the DQ Framework and answer a question on it. It was rewarding to see students answering a variety of questions about staying safe on the Internet and being competent and responsible digital citizens.

Data Privacy Day is on 28 January every year, focusing on privacy and data protection. Data Privacy is an important consideration in an increasingly digital world. We can keep ourselves and our data safe by being careful about what and where we post, and by protecting our data using strong passwords. Personal information has value; checking apps and websites to see what data they are collecting and setting privacy settings on websites can help to protect our personal data. ‘Think before you click’.

Further information can be found at:



To officially launch the Digital Intelligence framework adoption at VIS, VIS hosted a Cybercrime Education seminar today. Mr. Neil Walsh, the United Nations Chief of Cybercrime and Anti-Money Laundering Section talked about Cybercrime, Online Sexual Exploitation, identifying fake social media accounts and keeping your device safe. In the same time, the UN expert gave parents advice on how to approach these topics at home to best support your child to stay safe online. If you were not able to be present at the event and you are interested to view the presentation, you are very welcome to join and like the VIS Facebook page: and view the event's livestream at your convenience.



Lost and Found

Please be informed that there will be no more Lost & Found Display at the Mall before the holidays. Lost and Found items will be kept for one month and will be donated to charitable organisations such as Caritas at the end of every month. The first date for this monthly L&F clearance is on Thursday, 13 February 2020. 

If you have any questions please write to: lostandfound(at)

Tips for parents: If you find valuable items while on the school premises, such as telephones, keys, glasses, wallets or musical instruments, please bring them to the Primary or Secondary Office for safe keeping. Any other items, such as clothes, can be brought to the Lost & Found Cabinet next to the Gym (near the Mall). We strongly encourage you to label your child's belongings and talk with your child to look after his/ her valuable items. 



The Cabaret Gifts Collection

Dear Parents and Students,

This year, as part of the Grade 11 cabaret, we will be holding a fundraising lottery to raise more money for charity. As the Christmas recently came to an end, we are well aware that many of you may have unwanted gifts. Therefore, we would like to ask you all if there are any gifts you would be willing to donate to help us? This could be anything that works as a prize for our event. We will be placing a large box where you can put any donations in the Octagon. Please remember that any donations will go directly towards raising money for charity.

Thank you for your help,

The Cabaret Committee



UNESCO Mother Language Day

The UN Mother Language Day is celebrated internationally on 21 February.  VIS students speak almost 90 Mother Tongue languages and we are proud of our linguistic and cultural diversity. As the date falls during the VIS break this year, we will be marking the celebration with a special breakfast on Thursday, 13 February.  Here’s how to get involved:

1. Mother Tongue Breakfast:  08:00-08:30 in the Octagon on Thursday, 13 February. Give our students the chance to try a bite of a typical breakfast dish from your country and perhaps learn a greeting in your language!

  • Bring a small dish of a breakfast item from your home country -  something that can be shared into “taster” portions is ideal. 
  • No need to provide a large quantity – enough for 20-30 small portions is plenty. 
  • If you are able to stay and to offer the food to students as they arrive at school you are most welcome...
  • ... or you or your child can simply drop the item off in the Octagon anytime from 07:45

2. Mother Tongue stories in the Primary Library at lunchtime 11 -13 February. There will be stories in the library at lunchtime on Tuesday 11, Wednesday 12 and Thursday 13 February.  It would be great to have some parent volunteers to read stories - in your Mother Tongue - during these sessions. The children enjoy hearing stories in their own and other languages so picture books are ideal!  Each slot is just 15 minutes long - if you are able to volunteer please use this sign-up sheet. If you have any questions please contact Tamsin Roberts at pypmothertongue(at)


Hosting - We Need Your Help

During 11-15 March, VIS will be hosting the Varsity Boys Basketball CEESA Tournament. We will have 50-60 guest students from five other international schools coming to Vienna to compete in the tournament. It would be great if you would be available to host two or more guests from 11 to 15 of March (4 nights). 

The guests will be High School Boys, mostly in grades 11 and 12, between 16 and 18 years of age. The pick-up times will be around 17:00 on the days of arrival and on the tournament days (Thursday, Friday, Saturday). The drop off time will be 08:30 on tournament days and will depend on the flight times on departure day. The guest students will get lunch at school on tournament days, so you won’t need to prepare packed lunch for your guest. Breakfast and dinner is sufficient and bringing them to school and back would be needed from our host families. Please contact bmartel(at) if you can be a host family at this tournament. Thank you for your help in hosting the visiting students and making possible for us to host this big sport tournament at VIS!


After about six months of the intense trainings that consisted of many kilometers of swimming, hundreds of turns and starts, which each swimmer has practiced during this period - the VIS Swim Team had the first competition of the current school year. Last Saturday, January 25th, 2020 the VIS Swim Team took part in the annual DVAC (Donau Valley Athletic Conference) swimming competition, hosted by the American International School of Budapest, Hungary.

The first challenge of this trip was to get to the VIS gates by 6:30 in the morning. All team members have done this without any problem!

There were 4 international schools from Hungary, Slovakia and Austria that took part in the competition.

VIS was represented by 19 swimmers:

Girls HS

  • Julia Marugan Alvarez             11A
  • Rosa Wolff                               10E
  • Greta Polo                               10C
  • Ana Lucia Starr                        9A
  • Natasha Kolesch                      9C

Boys MS

  • Laughlin Holmer                       8C
  • Jesus Fernandes de Mesa       8A       
  • Adam Morris                             8A
  • Juan Marugan Alvarez             8E
  • Erol Efe Ozel                            8E
  • Morgan Prosser                        7C

Girls MS

  • Emily Rahner                           8B
  • Molly Szczepanski                   8C
  • Maya Lowry                             7A
  • Alessia Duruttya                      7B
  • Anya Kolesch                          7C
  • Iman Machibi                           7C
  • Anna Mayorova                       6C

The hard work pays off! Almost all swimmers increased their usual speed and showed their best personal results during the individual events. Several members of relay teams were even more fast and managed to further improve their results during the relays.

CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL PARTICIPANTS! Well done! I’m very proud of you!

Girls HS

  • Ana Lucia Starr received 3 Gold medals in all individual events she swam– 100m IM, 100m freestyle and 50m butterfly.
  • Julia Marugan Alvarez - 1 Gold medal for 100m backstroke and 1 Bronze for 50m backstroke.
  • Rosa Wolff - 1 Gold medal for 50m backstroke and 2 Bronze medals for 100m IM and 50m freestyle.
  • Natasha Kolesch - 1 Bronze medal for 100m breaststroke.

Boys MS

  • Adam Morris won 3 Gold medals for all individual distances he swam – 50m backstroke, 100m backstroke and 50m freestyle.
  • Jesus Fernandes de Mesa -2 Gold medals for 50m butterfly and 100m freestyle and 1 Silver for 50m freestyle.Morgan Prosser - 1 Silver for 50m butterfly and 1 Bronze for 100m freestyle
  • Juan Marugan Alvarez - 1 Silver for 50m breaststroke.
  • Erol Efe Ozel - 1 Bronze medal for 50m breaststroke.

Girls MS

  • Molly Szczepanski won 3 Gold medals in all individual events she swam – 100m IM, 100m freestyle and 100 m breaststroke.
  • Alessia Duruttya - 1 Gold medal for 100m backstroke and 1 Bronze medal for 50m backstroke.
  • Anna Mayorova - 2 Silver medals for 50m backstroke and 100m freestyle.
  • Anya Kolesch achieved 1 Silver medal for 50m breaststroke.
  • Iman Machibi achieved 1 Bronze medal for 100m backstroke.
  • Maya Lowry achieved 1 Bronze medal for 50m breaststroke.


  • Boys MS Medley relay team (Adam Morris, Erol Efe Ozel, Jesus Fernandes de Mesa, Morgan Prosser) won Gold medal.
  • Boys MS Freestyle relay team (Adam Morris, Juan Marugan Alvarez, Jesus Fernandes de Mesa, Morgan Prosser) won Gold medal.
  • Girls HS relay team (Rosa Wolff, Ana Lucia Starr, Greta Polo) won Gold medal in relays 4x50m freestyle and Silver medal in 4x50m medley.
  • Girls MS Medley relay team (Anya Kolesch, Molly Szczepanski, Alessia Duruttya, Anna Mayorova) won Gold medal.
  • Girls MS Freestyle relay team (Maya Lowry, Molly Szczepanski, Alessia Duruttya, Anna Mayorova) won Silver medal.

Totally, the VIS Swim Team earned in the individual events and relays - 18 Gold, 8 Silver and 11 Bronze medals. Despite of not having HS Boys in the Team this year, it has been our second-best result during last 5 years.


During the event we had a chance once again to understand how important it is to regularly and insistently train the swimming technique, starts, turns and stamina. But also, there were several moments when we all realized how critical it is to fight till the last split second because final touch can bring you a victory.  Anna Mayorova won Silver thanks to a very fast and accurate touch! And everyone applauded Ana Lucia Starr when she became first, winning 0.01(!) seconds of her rival, due to the rapid final touch!


Special ‘thank you’ to the VIS teachers who participated in the Teacher Conference at the American School of Budapest, where the swimming competition took part, for coming and supporting the team. Our swimmers were very excited about that and very happy to get your cheers!

I would like to thank all our parents for their support, patience and enthusiasm, especially those who joined us during the trip!

Many thanks to VIS Sport Director Jason Bowie and the team of Sports and Activities department, who made this trip possible.

Big complements and congratulations to the whole VIS Swim Team for your hard work, passionate approach, willingness to learn and consistently ‘raise the bar’ higher and higher! I also appreciate a lot your great motivation and desire to win.

Please join me in congratulating the VIS Swim Team with their great achievements!

VIS Swim Team Coach,

Dmitry Khalin




Second Semester Activities Offer

The second semester of the After School Activities programme will start after the February Break on Monday, 24 February. The registration for this semester started with a pre-booking phase for currently booked courses on Thursday, 30 January and after a week of pre-booking we will open the registration for all remaining spots for all parents. Please find HERE the link to the offer of After School Activities for the second semester. If your child is alraedy enrolled and you didn't receive a pre-booking link, please contact Mr. Tauber at vis(at)



Stay Organized, Mark Your Calendars & Get Involved!

Here is a list of our PTA Meetings for the remainder of this school year:

PTA Evening Meetings 16:30-18:00

  • Wednesday, 5 February - LARGE CONFERENCE ROOM 
  • Wednesday, 1 April - LARGE CONFERENCE ROOM
  • Wednesday, 3 June - PRIMARY LIBRARY

PTA Morning Meetings 08:30-10:00

  • Wednesday, 4 March – AULA
  • Wednesday, 6 May – DINING ROOM (Aula will be blocked for exams)


Come and join us!

Come and join us!

Come and join us!

Vienna International School PTA Communication Corner!

Social Networking: Join Us!! FACEBOOK- Search "PTA VIS"

*Contact the Chairs: Ptachair(at) Contact the Chairs: Caterina Veronese & Krista White.

*Communication Hotline: Hotline(at)  We have created a hotline and WANT to hear from you! Send us your comments, suggestions, new ideas, or concerns.

*Book Club: aschira(at)  Have an idea for a book to discuss or want to join the group?  Contact Secondary School librarian, Anna Maria Schira

*Booster Club: boosterclub(at)  Join the Booster club. Help sell snacks after school, support sporting events, and more. Opening Hours are: Monday - Wednesday 2:50 - 5:00pm.

*Cooking: Cookingclub(at)  Learn how to make delicious international cuisine once a month on Mondays in the VIS kitchen. Stay tuned for the next class announcement.

*Culture Club: Cultureclub(at)  Join us as we go on monthly guided cultural field trips to meet the historical, cultural and artistic heritage of this beautiful city and its lifestyle.

*Front of House: sara.christoffersen(at)  Front of House is a PTA Service led by Parent volunteer Sara Christoffersen. Sara runs a fantastic initiative which provides food and drinks at Performing Arts and special events events held in the VIS theater. Help is always needed in setting up and running events throughout the school year.  Please contact Sara if you can volunteer.

*German Conversation Club: Elisabethriecken(at) Write for more information on meeting days and times.

*Grants Programme: grants(at) Do you have an idea that you would like to propose for a PTA grant?  The PTA has an official grant program in place & we are eager to receive your submissions that would be beneficial to VIS students.

*Green Team: greenteam(at)  Join us to become one of the parents supporting the Green Teams.  Your Green ideas and suggestions are always welcome!

*Hobby Club: hobbyclub(at) Do you have any talents to share OR Do you have any special skills you would like to learn how to do? We need your ideas, suggestions, skills, and we need presenters.

*Lost & Found : lostandfound(at) Lost & Found Team is now with Green Team.  Let’s  tackle L&F together as a community by using ECO school approach.

*Lunch Bunch: lunchbunch(at) We meet once a month for lunch and a chat. This is an excellent way to discover new restaurants and meet and connect with school-wide parents.

*New Family Welcome Program: newfamily(at)  Offer your support to new families at VIS or ask for a welcoming family once you arrive. Always looking for volunteers!

*Newsletter Editor: newsletter(at)  Have something to put in the PTA section of the newsletter? Submissions must be made by Wednesday evening 8:00pm for display in Friday’s PTA section of the school newsletter.

*Origami Club: holayuriria(at)  Join the all the ORIGAMI Club every Friday morning in the cafeteria.  8:30am-10:00am.  Learn to the Japanese art of folding paper into decorative shapes and figures.

*Parenting Workshops: Writetorachelle(at) Workshops for parents with children of all ages at VIS.  Learn new strategies for communicating with your family, feel normal with other parents and spend some time on what is important! Workshops are held 3:15-4:15pm Mon/Tues/Thurs

*Primary Social: Pcpcoordinator(at)  If you would like to be on the list to receive information on primary level social events or be on your primary grade level mailing list.

*PTA Shop: Ptashop(at)  Join the PTA shop volunteers where we sell school accessories, clothes for PE, instruments etc. Opening Hours are: Tuesdays 2:30-4:00pm & Fridays 8:15-9:00am

*Running: runningtalkies(at)  Run with the running group every Tuesday throughout the school year @ 8:45am. Meeting point: Prater, in front of Republik Kugelmugel. Psssst: there are fast walkers that join in too!

*Spanish Conversation Club: Andreaniknia(at) Weekly Spanish Conversation classes. Write for more info.

*Secondary Social: Secondarysocial(at)  Keep in touch & socialize with other secondary parents or be added to the mailing list for your specific secondary grade level

Seminars: Seminars(at)  Have an idea for a seminar to share with the community? Email Kirsten with your ideas. Seminar Coordinator now open.  Please email if you are interested in taking over this volunteer position.  

*Walking: Walkietalkies(at)  Walk with the Walkie Talkies every Thursday morning throughout the school year @ 8.45am. Meeting point: Ubahn Kagran, the exit from Siebekstrasse, ground level.

*Zumba dancetonesculpt(at) Tue, 5.15 – 6.15 pm & Thu, 5.15 – 6.15 pm,  Gym B.  Join the energy.  Join the fun.  This year’s new club has been initiated by a new VIS parent but is currently on hold due to an injury.

If you haven’t joined the PTA VIS Facebook page yet, don’t delay! Our page is active on a daily basis with 607 members and growing fast. Be the first to know about planned community events and  volunteer opportunities. All for the benefit of our children. Our transparent communication is at the tip of your fingertips. Join now!! Facebook search: PTA VIS.



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Change Contact Details

In case you change your contact details (adress, telephone numbers or email adresses) please notify the school by email change(at) so we can centrally update the information accordingly.


Unsubscribe from the VIS Newsletter

If you do not wish to receive the newsletters from us, please notify us by email unsubscribe(at)