Unity Day

October is the World Bullying Prevention Month. Schools around the world organize events and activities aimed to prevent this widespread issue and promote positive values such as kindness, acceptance, inclusion and belonging, values on which our school is focusing on.


On Friday, 4 November, VIS acknowledged the Unity Day. This year we encouraged the school community to look at how we can Grow Together in Unity. As part of this celebration day, we asked the students and teachers to wear orange to show their commitment to a community where everyone feels acceptance, belonging and respect. Different activities happened during the school day, as we asked students to reflect on how they can practically contribute to this community goal, to help other students feel included and accepted and how can we all grow together in unity.

Throughout the school day, the students had the opportunity to participate in other schoolwide and classroom activities focused on the Unity concept. At the end of the week, the students created the Unity Tree, a tree made out of written colorful posts with student reflections on what unity means to them. 

We hope that these actions and reflections will positively impact our school climate, creating a safe and inclusive environment where every student feels respected, accepted and supported.