Unesco Mother Language Day

VIS celebrated the Unesco Mother Language Day on 24 February.


 “The aim of the UNESCO Mother Language Day is to celebrate the world in its multiplicity, committing to the preservation of the diversity of languages as a common heritage, and working for quality education – in mother tongues – for all.” Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO.

In combination with celebrating the UNESCO Mother Language Day, VIS held events throughout the week to acknowledge mother languages as an important part of the school culture. We welcomed parents and staff members into the primary library to read stories in their native languages to the students. Students were able to hear stories in Greek, German, Arabic, Hungarian, Spanish, Macedonian, Dutch, Italian, Korean, Chinese, and Telugu. This week was a wonderful opportunity for students to appreciate and learn about the diversity of cultures and languages represented in their school community.

Moreover, the VIS community celebrated by sharing breakfasts from all over the world. We thank the PTA, students and parents of the community who brought along food and shared their identities. By promoting and celebrating mother languages, VIS helps to preserve cultural heritage and identity, and foster greater understanding and appreciation of different cultures and ways of seeing the world.