On Thursday, 30 March, Grade 5 students had their first opportunity to share their learning from the PYP Exhibition. Parents, teachers and students from across the Primary School joined the exhibition, asking questions and finding out more about the individual exhibition inquiries.
The PYP Exhibition is an opportunity for students to demonstrate their understanding of the PYP's essential elements: knowledge, concepts, skills, attitudes, and action. Students engage in an in-depth, collaborative inquiry into a topic of their choice that reflects their interests and passions. Throughout the PYP Exhibition process, students work independently and in groups to conduct research, take action, and reflect on their learning. They also collaborate with others, including their peers, teachers, and community members, to develop and present their ideas.
The PYP Exhibition provides students with an opportunity to showcase their learning and to demonstrate their ability to be critical thinkers, communicators, and problem solvers. It also helps to develop their skills in research, organization, presentation, and self-reflection. Ultimately, the PYP Exhibition aims to prepare students for the next phase of their education and to become responsible, active members of their community.
Congratulations to the Grade 5 students for their interesting projects, display of creativity and insightful topics. Wishing them a wonderful journey moving forward to Secondary School!