First Aid Course in Grade 5

The importance of First Aid is recognised all over the world and it is essential in saving someone’s life. First aid brings a significant contribution to an ill or injured person’s recovery and, in many cases, has been the difference between life and death.


Everyone should have first aid and CPR skills since emergencies may occur at the most unexpected time and date. First aid training in schools is a great way to introduce first aid skills necessary in case of emergencies. 

The Grade 5 students have learned the steps to first aid and CPR. As part of our continuum health and fitness unit, two or three Grade 10-12 students came to share with our Grade 5 students their expertise on first aid and CPR. The Grade 5 students learned the first steps to help someone and call for help. They also learned how to administer CPR, which stands for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. While learning about life saving skills the students experienced some hand-on situations.

The students showed great interest in this course, understanding that it is never too early to learn these skills, which can be lifesaving at some point in one’s life.